hilo tsunami.jpgI live on the Big Island of Hawaii and we have sirens that warn us about tsunamis and hurricanes. I live quite a distance from the coast but around 6 this morning sirens began to enter my dreams. I finally realized I was hearing a siren, woke up and turned on the news. In a few hours they are expecting a tsunami to sweep into Hilo Bay. In 1960 much of downtown Hilo was destroyed by a tsunami created by an earthquake in Chili.

This is a picture of the aftermath of that tsunami. People here are scurrying around trying to buy food and fill their cars with gas. Many gas stations are already out of gas.

The first thing I did was light a candle, pray and call upon the angels. Then I began to prepare for the possibility of no electricity and no services for several days. Luckily I have 32 free range chickens so I will have plenty of eggs to eat and certainly won’t go hungry.

It is odd sitting here wondering what will happen in a few hours. Years ago I lived half a block from the beach. I was walking my dog along the ocean when the sirens went off. I ran back to my house and a woman came racing out of her driveway yelling tsunami. I looked in the phone book and I was at the edge of the tsunami zone so I stayed put. Everyone was all a buzz about the up coming tsunami. It was 1 inch high.

I am glad the damage in Chile has been minimal and the loss of life nothing like Haiti. My friend was able to talk to her mom who lives in Chile on Skype and their family is safe but she said it was awful. Another reminder of how fragile life is.

I have received numerous e mails from people sending me their prayers and good wishes. We are always in the arms of the angels and at times like this that is very comforting.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

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