Did you know that the woman who started Mother’s Day died alone in an asylum and that Mother’s Day’s inception was intertwined with peace and infant mortality rates? West Virginia was the first state to make Mother’s Day an official holiday. Anna Jarvis started Mother’s Day in 1858 to help improve sanitary conditions and hopefully lower the appalling infant mortality rates. In 1868 she helped coordinate A Mother’s Friendship Day in an attempt to help heal the wounds between the North and the South in the wake of the civil war.
In 1870 Julia Ward Howe championed a Mother’s Peace Day because she felt Mother’s sacred right was to protect their boys from the evil of war. in 1905 Ann Jarvis died on the second Sunday of May.
I just came back from Peru with a bug and have been very sick for the lastfew days, so I haven’t posted very much. While watching TV through the haze of afever I saw a wonderful piece on a new movie called Babies.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and babies out there! You are the angels that make the world go around.
With love and aloha,
Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.
Make Angels on Your Shoulder part of your daily routine and share it with a friend!