F uture
E vent
A ppearing
R eal

Fear is always about something that isn’t in the moment. Our
fear is always about something that might happen or something we think has
already happened. If we focus our attention fully in the moment there is no
fear. When we are fully present in the moment we are connected to our spirit.
When we are connected to our spirit there is nothing to fear because we are
infinite, eternal and immortal.

How can we apply that to our everyday life? What do we do
with those niggling fears or endless negative thoughts? Moment by moment,
thought by thought we have a choice. We can believe our old habitual thoughts
or choose to create some new thought patterns. Thoughts only have the power we
give to them. They can only affect us if we believe them and give them our

So you have a fearful thought. You can believe it, feed it
with your personal power and allow it to affect your life or you can practice a
new behavior that will set you free. You can simply observe the thought,
acknowledge it and choose a new one.

If you accept the fearful thought you will create fear and
invite events into your life that are consistent with fear. If instead you
simply observe the thought you can choose a loving thought instead and invite
events into your life that are consistent with love.

Freedom from fear is simply a matter of realizing you can
choose your emotions. You can feed your fear or starve it. When you stop believing
in your fear and giving it all your energy you can expand your ability to love

Read more Fearless Fridays:
5 Ways Fear Can Improve Your Life
7 Ways to Overcome Fear
Inspirational Quotes on Fear
View all Fearless Fridays posts

With love and aloha,

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