I got an email today asking me to post about today being Cancer day. I had mixed reactions to that request. I am in Latvia and rather jet lagged and not sure what day it is. I always post late on Thursday so my posts are posted on Friday morning but now I am 7 hours earlier and my head hurts if I try to figure out which day is what and keep track of all the time zones!

My mom used to make statements that would totally embarrass me as a child. One of them was, “Uncle John couldn’t have died of that disease because they hadn’t invented it yet.” At the time I was highly embarrassed, now I know she was just a little before her time.

I truly believe we create our reality and if a disease doesn’t exist in our consciousness it can’t exist in our body. When i first began to realize I was responsible for my body I judged myself rather harshly. The first time I got a cold I went on and on about ‘what did I do wrong?’ I had the concepts of fault and responsibility confused.

I have had many friends battle cancer and most of them lost. I have also had some students learn to live passionately with AIDS. Life is a fatal disease, we all die. One of my first students lived passionately for five years, lived fully, bought a home, had lots of wonderful friends and then one day he died. The ‘how’ we die matters little. I think what really matters is the quality of our life.

Today it is cancer day. What if we all vowed to be fully alive moment by moment, savoring the gift of each moment and then when we were done just died. If we make cancer an opponent the likelihood of finding a cure is diminished. If we embrace it, love it and invite it to live in peace we might just find the answers we seek.

We always have the choice to move away from fear or toward love. That choice makes a huge difference in our lives. May all those affected by cancer experience themselves moving toward love and be able to savor the experience. Love rocks! Ask the angels for help seeing all life through the eyes of love and watch the miracles happen.

Well I am back to sleep or is it up to enjoy a new day? Greetings from Latvia!

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With love and aloha,

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