ministering angelsHere is a story I dearly love. I posted it several years ago to my blog. I am not sure of the origin of the story, if you know please let me know. It deeply touched me and since we are spending 40 days with the angels I thought it very appropriate to share with you. The illustration is from my book, Encyclopedia of Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters.

Three Angels

A woman heard a knock on her door late one night. When she opened the door, there were three glorious angels standing before her. She stood there speechless. The first angel said she was the angel of health, and she told her that she could only invite one of the three angels into her home and her life. The second angel told her she was the angel of abundance, and the third angel told her she was the angel of love. They said they would be back in the morning for her answer and, in a swirl of beautiful lights, they disappeared.

The woman rushed to tell her family of the miraculous visit. They argued late into the night. Her husband had been ill, so he wanted the angel of health. Her son wanted more money, so he argued for the angel of abundance. The woman just listened.

At dawn, she again heard a knock at the door. With a long sigh the woman said, “I have decided to invite in the angel of love.”

One by one all the angels filed in.

“But you told me I could only choose one!”

The angels replied, “When you freely invite love into your life, all the other blessings will surely follow.”

A tea part with the angels

Make sure you spend sometime each day welcoming and talking to the angels. They are after all your invited guests. You might even create an evening ritual of sitting with a cup of herbal tea each evening and talking with them. Remember those tea parties as a child … have one as an adult with the angels. Then have sweet dreams ……

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5 Ways Fear Can Improve Your Life
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With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

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