
This is an excerpt from my book The Complete Encyclopedia of Angels:

p043-1Gadiel is called the most holy of angels. His name is said to mean, “God is my wealth.” He is one of several guards for the gate of the south wind. His name has been found inscribed on amulets used to ward off evil. Sorcerers often invoke Gadiel in order to conjure up great power.

When you call upon Gadiel you may see flashes of yellow or green. You may also see your curtains stirring even though the windows are closed. Trust his love to point you towards the truth and the best direction for you to take in your life.

If you are feeling down or victimized by life, Gadiel is the angel to call upon. Before you confront any negative situation, call upon him to protect you. Gadiel will also help you release any negative feelings you have after a disagreement with a friend, an unfavorable assessment from a boss or an argument with a lover.



One way to call upon Gadiel is to go outside when the wind is blowing and invite the wind to carry your prayers to him. His name has great power, so saying Gadiel repeatedly while you ask for his assistance is also a wonderful way to invite him closer.

Another way to call him is to close your eyes and imagine that your request is tied to a beautiful balloon. Take a few deep breaths and when the time feels right imagine letting go of the balloon. Know that Gadiel will always answer your prayers.

Gadiel will help you:

Maintain a positive outlook
Repair a damaged relationship
Improve your job performance
Transform your life
Release limiting beliefs
Create abundance

Calling the angels into your home

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

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