Angels on Your Shoulder

I love words. Did you know that inspire comes from the Latin word inspirare which means to breathe? When I do guided meditations I often suggest people remember that each breath is a gift of life from our spirit. What if you allowed angels to inspire you? What if you allowed angels to breathe life…

Music is indeed the voice of the angels and images can help us connect with our spirit. Here are a few photos you may enjoy!

I saw this video of a therapy cat that performs miracles and thought I'd share it with you.

Music is well said to be the speech of angels. Thomas Carlyle What are some of your favorite angel songs?

The first morning I was home I awoke to a beautiful double rainbow. By the time I got my camera only one rainbow was left but what a magical way to be welcomed home.

When we feel fear we are disconnected and when we are connected we feel safe. So one of the best way to deal with fear is to use it as a signpost that we need to deepen our connection.

Someone asked me how the internet worked the other day. Can you imagine Gabriel putting down his horn and logging onto Twitter instead?

Enjoy these images of Greece and allow yourself to connect with the magical love that embodies our universe.

What are you going to fill this day with? I just got a twitter that says live like there is no tomorrow. My first thought is there is no tomorrow. By the time tomorrow gets here it is today so if we are waiting to be happy tomorrow we are never going to get to…

Angels are attacked to the energy of gratitude. Much like a radio station we constantly vibrate at a certain frequency and that frequency in turns attracts people, places and things into our life.

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