Angels on Your Shoulder

My internet connection has been rather sketchy so next week I will resume posting about the wonders of this world and of angels and happiness and joy. With love and aloha,Susan

I constantly get e mails from people asking me how to connect with their angels or complaining because they have been trying to connect for years or because the angels don't seem to be doing anything in their lives.

Fear can certainly adversely affect our lives. It can manifest as anger or sadness as well as anxiety and stress. The more we resist fear or judge it the more it appears in our life. The best way to overcome fear is with love. But how do we love fear and why we would ever…

How do you suppose angels feel about life? If I had to choose two words I would say, "passionate joy." They see only the perfection in all of life and they are God's messengers.

I had the most amazing birthday

I was deeply touched by how grief was able to allow these two woman to connect: If we allow our hearts to be open all of life's ordinary moments become incredible opportunities to share and love and expand our awareness of the divine.

One way I look at fear is it is the absence of love. So the antidote for fear is love. If t.I say don’t think about a juicy ripe tomato you have to think about one not to think about it. So this Friday the message is simple. Think about love. Just think about love,…

I am currently reading Kathleen McGowan’s The Book of Love. I love to read and when I travel I indulge myself with numerous novels. This time among other’s I read Anne Rice’s two books about the life if Jesus and The Expected One. It is fun immersing myself in several  version of the life and…

Lithuaunia is such a beautiful country. Here are some more images for you to meditate with.

Angels are always talking to you, the question is, "Are you listening?"

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