Angels on Your Shoulder

The holidays in and of themselves create neither joy nor sadness, they are emotionally neutral. The holidays are an event, then we tell ourselves a story about the holidays and then we create our emotional response based on that story.

I recently released a new meditation CD done in collaboration with an incredible composer Devakant. He actually composed the music specifically for each meditation. To say the CD is awesome would be an incredible understatement.

As the days grow shorter here in the Northern Hemisphere our bodies seem to want to curl up in a ball and hibernate. Most of the major religions and earth based spiritual traditions see this as a time of rededication and new beginnings.

As I thought about my Fearless Fridays post I was reminded that faith really can erase all of our fears. As one of my mentors reminded me one day years ago, angels either are or they aren't

Over the next few weeks I will be writing a series of posts to help put joy back in the holiday season, relieve stress and just help everyone have an angel filled, magical holiday season.

Depression and the holidays often go hand and hand for some people. Joy to the world seems allusive at best so how can angels help?

I was thinking about the littlest angel the other day and how I loved that story as a young girl. I remembered listening to Bing Crosby sing it and was filled with a sweet remembrance of childhood Christmases.

I'm very excited. Today I am going to speak about the Divine Inner Child. I am going to try to record the talk and if I succeed I will post an MP3 of my talk.

A promised here is the contest. The first five people that share recent acts of kindness they have committed will get a free, personally autographed copy of my most recent book on Spiritual Healing.

Have you ever noticed how fear seems so much more prevalent in humans than love. What's up with that?

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