Angels on Your Shoulder

Meditating really is good for you and it is easy. Meditating is a wonderful opportunity to practice being patient, gentle and loving with yourself and all you have to do is mindfully follow your breath.

Fear stops us from doing a lot of things that brings us happiness and joy but there are some simple things you can do to free yourself from fear.

In Jewish tradition the word we translate “miracle” is nes. A nes is a sign, like a flag, waiving above a building or a marker, drawing your attention to something special. I thought about the idea of miracles as markers and as I looked at my life I saw a lot of miracles.

I asked people to send me pictures of spirit orbs and I got some really neat ones. There is one of a close up of a spirit orb that I really enjoyed meditating on.

My mind is swimming with thoughts today, instead of a gentle trickle it feel more like a flood driven raging river and I have learned over the years that's a good thing.

I found the saints absolutely fascinating. I used to mistakenly think saints were about suffering and martyrdom when in fact they were amazing men and women who had managed to profoundly connect to the divine.

Death is such a touchy topic for many people. Life is after all a fatal disease, our spirits are immortal our bodies aren't. So how do we deal fearlessly with our own mortality?

When I look at the world today what I see is a hunger, a hunger that can only be filled with a deep and profound connection to our spirit. Last night I had an amazing dream in which I was talking to some people about the power of grace.

Here are some fun pictures of Halloween angels and even some more spirit orbs.

Do the current economic conditions worry you? In this post I am going to show you how to change your beliefs and your experience with money, the economy and the source of your income.

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