Angels on Your Shoulder

Buddhism teaches us to align ourselves with our spirit and from that perspective there is nothing to fear because we are immortal, eternal and infinite.

Affirmations are a very powerful way to change both our thinking and the circumstances in our life.

Travel certainly gives us the opportunity to step out of all of our habits and routines. Lithuania is an incredibly magic and wonderful land. Here are some of my favorite images.

Gratitude has the ability to return us to that childlike nature where we are amazed and excited by all of life and are connected to God in a concrete and constructive manner.

As I watch the dawn I am once again reminded that each day is a new beginning, a story yet to be written and I can write anything I want on the pages that follow. I say a prayer and ask to be guided so that all my thoughts and actions are loving.

Aloha, I am currently in Latvia teaching classes. This is the first time I have been here and what a magical country. Just thought I’d share some images with you. I am staying in the middle of a pine forest and the smells are just wonderful! With love and aloha,Susan

Here are some quotes from A Course in Miracles about fear that I find most helpful. Over and over again the course reminds us that fear is simply the lack of love.

By being surrounded by the presence of angels helps us remember we are never alone.

Here are some incredibly beautiful and peaceful pictures of Lithuania.

When we give without any thought to receiving miracles do occur in our life. That is what angels do all the time.

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