Angels on Your Shoulder

I am off to Lithuania for the month. I absolutely love going there and have fallen in love with the country and the people.

Today is your chance to be someone's angel by committing an act of random kindness! August 22 has been the official Be an Angel holiday since 1993.

The third Friday of the month is dedicated to ordinary angels. This month I honor Soldier's angels, people that save the life of a badly wounded horse and share pictures and angels swimming.

Why are people attracted to angels? Let us count the ways.

Today I am having a contest The first ten people who post a Word Cloud will get a free copy of my latest book CIG Spiritual Healing: Restore your spirit and heal your life!

used to have a bumper sticker that said, "Commit random acts of kindness and senseless beauty." Here is a list of 7 ways to be someone's angel.

Be an angel and help me give people the gift of clean water. We take fresh water for granted. We open the tap and there it is, but in so many places on this planet clean water is a luxury.

Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up. Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us all.

Depending upon how we look at failure it can actually be a very beneficial experience, one that will actually make success and happiness more likely in the future.

Everyone has the ability to talk with angels, we just spend a lot of time affirming we can't and believing it! Learn how to talk with the angels yourself.

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