Thanks to globum for this image We residents of los Estados Unidos are not the only Americans with good reason to celebrate. The people of Bolivia have just voted in a constitution that for the first time recognizes the rights and cultures of its indigenous people as of equal value with those Bolivians whose views…

One of the interesting if disturbing issues unfolding before us now is the frenzied defense of torture by many right wing ‘Christians’ and their allies in the media.  Bill O’Reilly who makes more noise as a supposed defender of Christianity than anyone not at a pulpit, defends torture.   Focus on the Family leader James Dobson…

I am sure I am not alone among my readers in having partied long and well last night.  What a wonderful day.  I know it is alwys risky to invest too much hope in a political leader, for whom so many of us find a convenient rohrsach blot to see what patterns we want. But…

Pantheacon is a giant Pagan gathering held this year Feb 13-16, over the Presidents’ Day weekend, at the Doubletree Hotel in San Jose, California, near the airport.  It is a wonderful event I would attend even if I were not presenting. But I am presenting. My workshop combines explanation with participants’ personal experience. Based on…

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