The political posts that have often filled this blog have led me bit by bit into wondering how a Pagan perspective, taken seriously, changes the way we think about politics and society.  The more I delved into this, the more important the changes seemed to me.  My posts on Western irrationality and on conservatism were…

There are really no words of kindness to describe the people who knowingly defend a health care system that can allow this to happen when there are many countries less rich than ours where it cannot. There are words to describe people who would perpetuate this system in the name of their religion.  But I’d…

I said that the best quick and dirty way you could tell when a ‘conservative’ leader was lying by whether his or her mouth was moving.  Some people took exception.  Now It’s objective and not a matter of debate. At one time conservatism actually stood for something other than hypocrisy and deceit.  I hope that…

Joe Conason has written a very thought provoking piece on politics and empathy in today’s  If he is right, and I think he is, there are serious mental disorders underlying a great many of today’s leading ‘conservatives’ and presumably some of their supporters.  That would explain a lot.

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