UPDATE on sweat lodge sacrilege. The words of a survivor. Among us Pagans, a popular joke is “what is the difference between a New Age and a Pagan workshop?” “Two decimal places.” When I read of the deaths of two people in a ‘spiritual’ sweat lodge retreat I was reminded of the death of a…

Last night Joan Marler of the Institute of Archaeomythology — gave a fascinating talk about the likelihood Europe’s first agricultural peoples had developed writing 8,000 years ago, long before Sumer.  It is called the “Danube Script.”   The evidence she offered was persuasive to me.  But fascinating as this was, the point Marler made about their…

Paul Stamets gave a couple of mind-blowing talks at TED and Bioneers about mushrooms that suggest ways we might ultimately come to harmonize pur civilization with the natural world.  They are well worth the time it takes to watch.  In his TED  talk, Stamets covers “Six Ways Mushrooms can Save the World.  The Bioneers talk…

I have have been asked to prepare a special page on 12 things you didn’t know about Paganism for Beliefnet.  I have come up with a preliminary 11.  They are NOT set in stone.  For Pagan readers: any suggestions?  For non-Pagan readers, any thing I have not covered that you’d like to see?

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