The anti-choice folks have struck again, holding over 60% of the country hostage to their irrational beliefs as a price for health care reform.  No health care reform unless abortion is made even more difficult than it already is.  If thousands die from lack of insurance, well, as Lenin said, you cannot make an omelet…

Pagans are among the newest and oldest of religions. The earliest Pagans were among the hunting and gathering peoples at the dawn of history, while today’s NeoPagans arose within the modern world and work within cutting edge businesses and sciences. If what you think you know about Pagans stems from Hollywood, sermons, or fragmentary news…

Many Americans believe abortion is murder.  Bad as I believe their reasoning is, and I believe it’s bad, it’s a fact.  Given that fact, it is difficult to ask them to contribute their tax money for murder – though most of them have no problem asking us to contribute ours for the murderous wars that…

The people who destroyed our economy, like CITI and Goldman Sachs, are now getting privileged access to HiNi vaccinations.  Hospitals go without, but not these jokers.  Huffington Post has more on this abomination.  While I think they were wrong, very seriously wrong, in what they did, I am daily becoming more sympathetic to the motives…

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