This increasingly buggy system published two versions of the post and then wiped out the first while supposedly wiping out the second.  As a consequence the comments were wiped as well. I have made my comment a new post – of interest to citizens but not particularly Pagan.  I apologize to those who already posted…

Earth day celebrates this wonderful planet that is our home.  Today is its 40th anniversary, celebrated world-wide, the inspiring off spring of Senator Gaylord Nelson and some students back in 1970.   It is a wonderful corrective to the two forms of moral and intellectual insanity, one religious and one secular, that sees our proper role…

Jason Pitzi-Waters over at Wild Hunt is doing our community a big service by initiating crafting a statement concerning child abuse within our community.  Given the abject failure of the Catholic Church over these issues, and the predilection for power hungry people to seek any position of spiritual authority in order to abuse others, Jason’s…

Conservative Evangelical Bible scholar Dr. Bruce Waltke has resigned from his teaching position at the Reformed Theological Seminary.  He made the mistake of saying the evidence overwhelmingly supported evolution.  Many of his co-religionists are unforgiving.  Ken Hamm, CEO of the ‘Creation Museum,’ objected, “I believe what he [Waltke] is saying ultimately undermines the authority of God’s…

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