From out of left field in every sense, Kevin Costner may be the man who made technology capable of saving the Gulf of Mexico by separating oil from water quickly and thoroughly available.  He financed it while his brother developed it.

For a former libertarian such as myself Rand Paul’s attack on Civil Rights legislation is to be expected, except perhaps for its political idiocy.  For that latter quality I am grateful because it weakens his candidacy.  But there are interesting issues floating around the kerfluffle Paul’s comments to Rachel Maddow raised.  More than almost any…

I am one of many who have wondered about the traditional directions we initially learn in casting a circle.  The image we are often told to use, but I doubt anyone actually does, is a sphere. Given that a traditional magickal circle is 9 feet in diameter, that means it’s walls go below our waist…

A glimmer of hope shown for the American people shown last night.  For once, I think all the news electorally was good.  Very good, from Pennsylvania to Kentucky to Arkansas.  Bad for Arlen Specter, good for Joe Sestak, bad for Blanche Lincoln, good for Bill Halter, and consistently bad for Party establishments, especially the Republicans.…

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