It turns out that immersing ourselves in Nature is good for us in ways that science can actually measure.  A paper published last week, “A Dose of Nature” Jules Pretty and Jo Barton found that people’s mood and self-esteem benefit from what it calls “green exercise.” Prof. Pretty said of his study “For the first…

Mothers’ Day is a day to honor not only our mothers but motherhood in general, the bringing of beings into life and nurturing them.  It’s hardly surprising but sadly unknown that it began as a push against the urge of the powerful to fight wars and kill other people’s sons.   My mom died in 2008,…

The jack booted wing of Catholicism, brought to you regularly by First Things.  UPDATE (and further update) This initial post connected you to Robert Cheeks’ blog entry endorsing killing demonstrators at Ken State because it led to “order.”  That he thought they were revolutionary Marxists added to his pleasure at the carnage. While the blog…

It turns out that in 1980, when Reagan was running against Jimmy Carter for President, Republican leaders worked behind the back of the US Government to obstruct negotiations to free American hostages held in Teheran.  Carter’s failure to achieve release helped propel Reagan into the Presidency – on the back of apparent Republican treason, it turns…

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