This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending a wedding that wonderfully integrated Pagan and more traditional motifs, held within a redwood grove, not far from where I live.  The ceremony was a subtle interweaving of magickal and shamanic principles within a framework that the bride and groom’s more traditional family members seemed to…

Daily Kos has a fascinating story on the rapid increase in whooping cough cases in California in 2004, a spike apparently correlated county by county with the number of children whose parents chose not to have them vaccinated.  This increase  in whooping cough cases has been accompanied by a increasing infant deaths.  The falsehood that…

Children are increasingly victims of witchcraft accusations in Africa, egged on by some but by no means all Christian leaders there. (Indeed, this story was provided to me by a Evangelical Christian). Witchcraft, which is  understood there and in many other places as engaging in Black Magick, has long been outlawed in many areas, but…

I try and try to find a hint of decency in  modern ‘conservatism’s’ spokespeople.  I really do.  I started life out as a conservative myself – my earliest political involvement was in supporting Barry Goldwater as a high school student and I was active in the Teen Age Republicans – nearly state chairman.  I shifted…

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