At this time when the worst side of many Americans is proudly exposed to view by people too morally lost, and too besotted with self-righteousness to realize what they are doing, it is good to reflect on a beautiful poem by Robinson Jeffers. Praise Life This country least, but every inhabited countryIs clotted with human…

Cherry Hill Seminary is offering a fascinating course by York Dobyns, a Ph.D. in physics at Princeton as well as a Wiccan since 1992.  The link explains everything briefly, so there is no need for me to duplicate it.  Find out more about this course here. You can also watch a fascinating Youtube talk by…

I just read a delightful (in a black humored sort of way) post up at Balloon Juice.  It offers a way to calculate the number of “crazies” on the political right, people for whom no fact or logic will work at getting them to question a belief and whose partisanship is completely blind. A much…

A geologist friend and Pagan just sent me a report in the  Journal of Cosmology of microfossils similar to trichomic cyanobacteria  deep inside several meteorites.  “Trichomic” means they resemble filaments, and “prokaryotes” are cells without a membrane bound nucleus. But these cells differ from all others of similar characteristics. Apparently they are not of earthly origin.  For more…

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