One of my favorite blogs has a inspiring example of UC Davis students’ reaction to gratuitous violence by thugs wearing the uniform of the UC Police.  It is inspiring to watch how, after a completely arbitrary attack on peaceful students by a thug with pepper spray (watch) the students surround the cops chanting “Shame on you” and similar stuff and then after making their point offer them a chance to take their weapons and leave, which they do.

The corporate hirelings in both parties have made sure that normal politics is closed off to citizens while open for business to corporate sociopaths and psychopaths at the top while the corporate media makes sure that we learn little more about what is happening than the old citizens of the USSR did (but with more entertainment).  Now cell phones, their cameras and recorders, and a tech savvy, politically astute, and remarkably ethical group of students and other people is fighting back in a way that gives me hope.

Watch it and if you are like me, be proud of these young people.

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