Just finished a long and utterly pointless attempt to make a rational argument to a sometime contributor to this blog who was complaining that liberals were distorting stuff after the murders in Tucson.  There are links on my Facebook wall if anyone want to go there. The final straw was when he tried to tell…

UPDATE I & II As I have been reading discussions about what happened in Arizona, over and over again those on the right or those not wanting to admit we have a genuine problem in this country claim Jared Loughner was a “lone crazed individual” as if that somehow absolves Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Glenn…

The murder of a young girl and other people in Arizona today is a predictable result of the violent language that has built up in this country over the past decade or so, starting with Ann Coulter Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and right wing intellectuals like Thomas Sowell calling for military coups.  Today similar…

Bees are under considerable threat these days, and we are not sure whether it is due to one or two pathogens  or maybe to a complex series of interrelationships. Two recent discussions of possibly very complex relations are in Wired and  at Treehugger.  But that is ultimately a scientific questuon I have no expertise on. …

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