Some Fundamentalists think they have concocted a neat way of attacking evolution on the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species, lowering our national IQ below even the level to which it has currently sunk.  A young woman named Cristina takes them down, and does it wonderfully.   And bluntly.  I have no…

I missed Sara’s third and final post on the fascist threat to America and what can be done to prevent its triumph.   It came out at the end of August, and I was deep into my own stuff.  But it’s good.

In earlier comments, Jaundiced pointed out that there were 9 states that allowed domestic abuse to be a reason for denying health insurance care.  I was curious as to what states allowed insurance corporations – ‘company’ is too good a word for them – to deny women health insurance because domestic abuse was a pre-existing…

There are really no words of kindness to describe the people who knowingly defend a health care system that can allow this to happen when there are many countries less rich than ours where it cannot. There are words to describe people who would perpetuate this system in the name of their religion.  But I’d…

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