After catching loud mouthed global warming skeptics lying about the weather and showing they don’t understand statistics. Nate Silver has issued them a challenge.  For every day where they live that it’s a degree cooler than average, he’ll pay them $25.  For every day it’s a degree warmer, they’ll pay him $25.  If they are…

While visiting Walla Walla, Washington, where I had taught for some years at Whitman College, I took a side trip over to northeast Oregon, one of the most beautiful and least known parts of our country.  There I visited the Zumwalt Prairie, which has been saved by the Nature Conservancy.

Thomas Berry has died today.   He had been a central figure in helping Western Christians, those willing to look and learn anyway, re-establishing connectedness with the sacred immanence we Pagans find in nature. Other giants in ecological and spiritual thought have also died recently: Arne Naess, who developed the term ‘deep ecology’  and did so…

When I first was made to know, in no uncertain terms, that the earth and everything in it was vastly more sentient than I had ever imagined, I looked long and hard for writings that could shed more light on my experiences.  Especially I looked for stuff by modern Westerners. Mostly I found little.  Most…

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