This blog is an active participant in the Culture War being waged in the US.  But I often find myself in a strange position, as many other Pagans likely do.  I frequently seem to shift sides.  I want to describe how I see what I am doing in this respect, and then recommend a book…

The wonderful Pagan singer, Celia, came to Sonoma County yesterday.  While readers of this blog know I admire her work, we had never met.  However she had emailed me she would be singing at a meeting of Catholics concerned with social justice issue.  Perhaps I might want to come? I did.  I was not disappointed…

The question of who is or is not a “real Christian” has come up in this blog.  It’s my own fault, for I’ve tried to distinguish between Christianity and the devil worship that masquerades under its name in the religious right.  Since people calling themselves Christians have been fighting, and on many occasions, killing one…

The recent plethora of books by militant atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens is beginning to generate a good deal of return fire from people writing within the Christian tradition, either as sophisticated adherents or writers recognizing that on balance our society benefited from it rather more than it lost.  Christopher…

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