As we observe this day honoring the life of Martin Luther King, jr., two thought come to mind as particularly relevant, and I hope worth sharing.  The first has to do with violence and the second with the intertwining of what I consider some of the most inspiring periods in our own history.  My first…

One of the most depressing recent blots on the increasingly blotched American character was the ignorant and infantile outrage by so many over the “Ground Zero Mosque” (which was none of the above). To make their case they had to demonize the Muslim community as a whole.  This outrage continues to be promoted by bigots…

Those of us who have had personally strong and oft repeated experiences with the spirit world, and of nature as animate, are often sympathetic to people attacking mainstream science. For example, I know several Pagans who have resisted having their kids vaccinated because of supposed research that indicated a link between vaccines and autism.  The mainstream…

Alex Mar has produced American Mystic,  a beautiful and most unusual film, one I hope receives many viewers, for many will be the better off for having seen it. In her film Mar describes the lives of spiritually committed people living outside the American spiritual mainstream.  She does so sensitively and entirely in their own…

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