Conservative Evangelical Bible scholar Dr. Bruce Waltke has resigned from his teaching position at the Reformed Theological Seminary.  He made the mistake of saying the evidence overwhelmingly supported evolution.  Many of his co-religionists are unforgiving.  Ken Hamm, CEO of the ‘Creation Museum,’ objected, “I believe what he [Waltke] is saying ultimately undermines the authority of God’s…

Yesterday I went to a book group gathering to discuss Jeremy Rifkin’s monumental new book, The Empathetic Civilization. What follows are insights I developed in preparation for that gathering that I think will interest many Pagans concerned with the deeper relationship of Pagan spirituality to the modern world.

Mark Kleiman has a very interesting post up on the gradual opening of science and medicine to the value of entheogens that had been smothered as part of the mindless backlash against the Sixties. As older Pagans know, entheogens played an important role in opening many of us to spiritual dimensions of reality.  They certainly…

This post fulfills a promise I made to discuss the tough examples readers raised in my post on beauty and suffering.  I do it from a Pagan perspective, one emphasizing the sacredness of the world and of the basic processes that make it up. Every time I go to the local grocery store I put…

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