This blog frequently covers organic food issues.  It could be said to do so a little obsessively.  Most of my readers will prefer eating organic, but is this an important ethical issue?  How is that Pagan? We experience the Sacred in the world, whether or not it exists transcendental to it. Every relation with anything…

The wonderful Pagan singer, Celia, came to Sonoma County yesterday.  While readers of this blog know I admire her work, we had never met.  However she had emailed me she would be singing at a meeting of Catholics concerned with social justice issue.  Perhaps I might want to come? I did.  I was not disappointed…

The “war” between certain kinds of religion and science is continuing unabated.  The village atheists such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris use this kind of thing to lambast religion in general, just as Christian Fundamentalists give all kinds of Christianity a bad name.  In fact the war between religion and science is entirely a…

This is a small essay that tries to show how polytheism is universal in all theistic religious traditions.  I pick Christianity to make my case, but I think Islam or Judaism would also ‘work.’ In the process those who wonder why I sometimes defend Christianity and sometimes criticize it will see why that is so.

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