I was intrigued with the finding in the Pew poll that those Americans who did NOT go to church were the most opposed to torture.  Over 60 percent of white evangelical Protestants supported torture, the highest percent of ll groups reported, and those unaffiliated with any religious organization were least willing to back it.  Under…

We now have quite strong statistical evidence that conservative Republicans are way out of step with the rest of the country with regard to how they see empathy as a virtue.  Daily Kos commissioned two polls, with fascinating findings, here  and here.  Because the Republican base is disproportionately in the South, and committed to “Biblical”…

Hello, this is T. Thorn Coyle, stepping in for Gus today.   One of the things I do in life is act as a spiritual director. Recently, one of my clients was talking about a struggle with the fact that things change. S/he wanted something to remain inviolate, permanent. When I responded that everything is…

Given the negativity that so easily can come to seem the defining feature of this society, it’s good to be reminded of why so many of us push back against the forces of dark ignorance.  Drew Dellinger’s poem is a wonderful statement of why, and a reminder to us all that good people of great…

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