A Pagan's Blog

The old Communist Party was infamous for switching its positions 189 degrees, depending on whatever came down from Moscow.  America’s ‘conservative’ totalitarians are fascinatingly similar.  This is something quite new and disturbing in American politics.

Trust me – there is a connection Every other Wednesday I spend the morning in a kind of salon where a bunch of us get together to discuss various aspects of science.  One is a retired physicist, another a geologist, another a physician, another a molecular biologist, and so on.  I am an outlier, as…

A reader asked me on Facebook  I’ve decided to do Wiccan rituals until Yule to help foster democracy & openness & send the strongest energies I can to help fight the grotesque negativity (e.g., the Wikileaks situation). To save me time in researching, do u have any rituals or links maybe to ones u have…

Last month, after spending nine days amid the canyons, high mesas, soaring cliffs and natural arches of the Colorado Plateau we descended into Las Vegas.  For our final night my friend had gotten us a room at the Bellagio,   one of Las Vegas’s largest hotels and paid for my ticket to Cirque du Soleil as her birthday…

I spent much of this afternoon addressing Solstice cards and sending them to Pagan friends far away from here.  I never liked the electronic cards – they are nice to get, but I like tangible things.  Books instead of photons on a tablet.  Cards instead of photons on a screen.  E-cards are nice, but you…

UPDATE below After his first months in office Barack Obama increasingly perplexed me, particularly for the fraudulent way he campaigned and then turned on his most dedicated supporters. I was particularly alarmed at his disdain for our constitutional principles and his truly craven subservience to corporate criminals such as BP.  No person making it to…

Human life differs from the rest of earthly life in one crucial respect: biological evolution has largely taken second place to cultural evolution.  Cultural evolution enables adaptations within a single generation that would take thousands of generations if brought about biologically, if they were possible at all.  We are the beneficiaries.  Below the fold I will…

From Daniel Ellsberg: “EVERY attack against Asaange and on @Wikileaks was also made against me and release of the PENTAGON PAPERS.” Thomas Jefferson would agree: “The diffusion of informatio­n and the arraignmen­t of all abuses at the bar of public reason, I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government­, and consequent­ly [one of]…

We are living through a very exciting time.  The Swiss bank that froze Wikileaks’ account has just had its website hacked and is not available.  May it stay that way.  Swiss banks are famous for making themselves available to criminals and dictators.  People who serve others?  Not so much.   The folks who hacked it…

Went to the Goddess Crafts Faire yesterday and it was an impressive and very enjoyable event.  Lots of good craft booths, some not as good, but that’s normal.  I bought Yule gifts, enjoyed talking with the artists and craftspeople, heard a number of good singers and saw some wonderful dancers.  Celia Farran’s performance was as…

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