A Pagan's Blog

I have begun reading a wonderful book, David Abram’s Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology. No book I have ever encountered does as good a job of describing what it is like to be fully aware of our immersion in the field of consciousness that is our world.  It may well be the most powerful literary…

Weeks ago I was called by Jane Mayer, a writer for The New Yorker asking me questions about the Koch (pronounced ‘Coke’) brothers Charles and David.  She was doing an investigative piece on their political influence, had seen my Beliefnet piece on Charles Koch,  and wanted to ask me more questions about what I knew. …

He sees the big picture and the details.

Anyone thinking that the organized opposition to the Islamic Cultural Center in New York is motivated by anything more noble than hatred and bigotry should take a look at the video of yesterday’s demonstration in New York by people who might somehow think they are good citizens and decent human beings.   And then if you…

Someday the more rabid elements within Christianity may come to respect the constitution,  individuals, spirituality, and the American people.   But not yet. Soldiers stationed in Virginia were punished for not attending a performance by the Christian rock group BarlowGirl  as part of the “Commanding General’s Spiritual Fitness Concerts.”  A new definition of the term “command…

Jon Stewart, as usual, talks more sense with more humor than almost anyone in the country.

The current uproar over mosques and American Muslims is reminding me of my first serious encounter with a religion towards which I had considerable hostility: Christianity. And how I finally overcame it while remaining 100% Pagan.

Well well well – our “combat troops” have been removed from Iraq and the war is over.   50,000 “advisers’?  Give me a break.  They exist to prop up the government; essentially like a Roman garrison.   The war will  be over when we have as many troops in Iraq as we did the day before…

Hopefully this statement by Ted Olson, the chief attorney for George Bush in Bush vs. Gore and leading Republican lawyer, whose wife died when the plane she was on crashed into the Pentagon, will put the coup de grace on the argument that an Islamic Cultural Center somehow offends the families of those who were…

Unfortunately this is true, and through it they are also major contributors to American political campaigns.  Other key figures are closely connected to Communist China.

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