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A Pagan's Blog
Hallowed Ground in NYC
Gus diZerega
And in pictures. Here is another moving example of the soulful reverence that exists within two blocks of Ground Zero.
Of Power, Violence, and the American Soul at Risk
Gus diZerega
In Europe before World War One Jews were better integrated into German society than almost anywhere else on the continent. There were lots of intermarriages as well. In Bosnia Christians and Muslims lived together peacefully under Tito’s Communist rule, far and away the mildest form of Communist rule that had ever existed. Again there was…
Why Interfaith is a Good Idea: Muslim Imams at Dachau
Gus diZerega
An important story to be followed, maybe, by Jews and Muslims visiting Auschwitz and Sebrenica, Bosnia, where thousands of Muslims were slaughtered.
Theurgy and Drawing Down the Moon: Theurgicon 2010
Gus diZerega
Theurgy is the late Classical Neoplatonic practice whose closest modern equivalent is Drawing Down the Moon. In both cases the practitioner achieves temporary unity with a deity, and is to some degree transformed in the process. These similarities, along with some others, are the reason why some investigators of our history argue that Wicca’s earliest…
Obama Supports New York Islamic Cultural Center and Mosque
Gus diZerega
I have been very critical of President Obama as regular readers of this blog know. I am therefore happy to give him credit where it is due, and his support of the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” is a heartening example of leadership and courage where there is no a obvious political payoff. I am…
Empathy and Political Beliefs
Gus diZerega
Randy “Duke” Cunningham, who went to prison for serious corruption (he took in $2.4 million in bribes) was an ultra-right wing Republican congressman. A few years behind bars have turned him into an advocate of prison reform. In addition he has begun teaching other prisoners to get their GEDs. [Too] many students have severe learning…
Something for Day of the Dead…
Gus diZerega
A really funny video compliments of my friend John on Facebook. UPDATE Here it is on youtube.
Of Burqas and Mosques, Teachers and Firemen
Gus diZerega
The “Ground Zero” mosque debate in the US and the burqa debate in Europe both highlight a tension embedded in the middle of modern democratic thinking, one that I have been grappling with for years: How does the well-being of society relate to the freedom of citizens? This issue emerged again yesterday and today in…
Muslim Americans, the ADL, and the NYC Mosque controversy
Gus diZerega
UPDATE UPDATE 2 Two more interesting pieces have appeared concerning the proposal to build a Muslim cultural center and mosque a few blocks from the 9-11 site. One is a discussion of the Anti-Defamation League’s hypocritical opposition to the project over at Americablog, especially Abraham Foxman’s justification. The ADL’s arguments expose their underlying bigotry and refusal…
Wishing Everyone a Wonderful Lammas!
Gus diZerega
That says it all. Otherwise an open thread.
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