A Pagan's Blog

Tonight my Wicca 101 class nears its end, with my first female student experiencing Drawing Down the Moon for the first time.  In subsequent classes other women will have their own opportunity to encounter the Lady.   It’s been most of a year since we began last Fall.  Meeting weekly and every other week after…

His Royal Highness Jim Bunning simply will NOT allow himself to be pestered by uppity Kentucky citizens.  Screw the First Amendment. I await with baited breath his denunciation by his fellow right wing Senators.  I suspect it will be a long wait.

Neither did I. But that’s what BP said in assuring the cretins in the Bush and Obama administrations that they could handle any problem that arose from their drilling.  For more on the utter depravity of this fetid company, see here. We REALLY need the corporate death penalty.

From out of left field in every sense, Kevin Costner may be the man who made technology capable of saving the Gulf of Mexico by separating oil from water quickly and thoroughly available.  He financed it while his brother developed it.

For a former libertarian such as myself Rand Paul’s attack on Civil Rights legislation is to be expected, except perhaps for its political idiocy.  For that latter quality I am grateful because it weakens his candidacy.  But there are interesting issues floating around the kerfluffle Paul’s comments to Rachel Maddow raised.  More than almost any…

I am one of many who have wondered about the traditional directions we initially learn in casting a circle.  The image we are often told to use, but I doubt anyone actually does, is a sphere. Given that a traditional magickal circle is 9 feet in diameter, that means it’s walls go below our waist…

A glimmer of hope shown for the American people shown last night.  For once, I think all the news electorally was good.  Very good, from Pennsylvania to Kentucky to Arkansas.  Bad for Arlen Specter, good for Joe Sestak, bad for Blanche Lincoln, good for Bill Halter, and consistently bad for Party establishments, especially the Republicans.…

Chris Hedges has a wonderful piece on the moral and spiritual culture of America’s elite and the nature of American nihilism.  It’s short and well worth reading.  Yes- as some commentators have pointed out when I praised another piece by him, he knows little of us.  Few do.  But he sees the issues with wonderful clarity…

I recently have come across some arguments about a supposed “eco-fascist” threat to America.  It is usually paired with claims that Paganism has fascist implications.  Both the secular Left and the classical liberal and religious Right have been making these claims.  Since my search on Google revealed no serious rebuttals except a quick one I…

I wrote earlier about a little girl in my area who is fighting a very serious cancer with the odds against her, as an example of undeserved suffering in a good world.  I just saw a story in Huffingtonpost about a four year old who needs a bone marrow transplant, as she did, and an…

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