A Pagan's Blog

This will be a very personal post.  I have just come across a very disturbing article: a description of conservative and libertarian heroine Ayn Rand’s early and passionate admiration of a serial killer because of his lack of empathy towards other people.  In her words, “Other people do not exist for him, and he does…

It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.  All too many ‘conservative’ Republicans are very very disturbed people.  Nor is this just members of the House.  A majority of Republican Senators prefer defending gang rape than seeing it is punished – when it’s done by employees of Halliburton, Dick Cheney’s old corporation. Lovely. Episodes like these…

My Into Your Hands thread attracted a lot of attention regarding divination and related stuff.  It’s dropped below the screen quite a bit, so I am resurrecting it – plus anything else any of you want to discuss.  I suggest pricking the Into Your Hands thread up here rather than linking back to it, but…

A religious bigot denies a student the right to build a Wiccan altar in shop class because he thinks Wicca is bad.  “It scares me. I’m a Christian,” he said. “This witchcraft stuff – it’s terrible for our kids. It takes kids away from what they know, and leads them to a dark and violent…

Sometimes doing good and doing well are in harmony.  According to a recent study organic wines taste better, on average, and also cost less because foolish people discount “hippy wine.” This is good news for folks like me who have become lovers of good wine.

Some of my readers may wonder whether there is a scientific consensus about global warming, particularly after the distortions thrown up by so-valled “skeptics” over the past few months.  Other might just like a list of the major scientific and other organizations who are convinced the issue is real compared to a list of similar…

This blog frequently covers organic food issues.  It could be said to do so a little obsessively.  Most of my readers will prefer eating organic, but is this an important ethical issue?  How is that Pagan? We experience the Sacred in the world, whether or not it exists transcendental to it. Every relation with anything…

Fascinating and disturbing post on Hullabaloo about San Francisco giving our “organic: soil amendments that are really toxic sludge, and encouraging its use in veggie gardens.  If you read it, be sure to look at the comments.  It’s a knowledgeable crowd.  Even if you are not living and gardening in the Bay Area, this is…

Back from wonderful Vancouver, British Columbia, my favorite city.  I got there as the last tourists visiting for the Olympics were departing,  parking was becoming available again, and life began returning to normal.  I was there for non-Pagan reasons – I am co-authoring a paper using emergent order theory  to explain why Vancouver is the…

I am flying to Vancouver tomorrow, now that the Olympics are over.  I fly back Thursday night.  I’ll be working on a paper with a friend there, one exploring why Vancouver became such a great city.  Which it is.  So I won’t be getting much posted for a little while unless I am really inspired.…

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