A Pagan's Blog

When I was just becoming a Pagan, one of the things I loved most was the music.  Fortunately I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, whch was one of the centers for a lot of good musicians, including the folks who wrote and produced the Lammas song I posted earlier this month.    Several people…

Friday a friend and I are getting together to plan our Wicca 101 class this fall.  Some time ago I discussed how Pagans nationally lack teachers who have had experience in what they teach.  I had thought about starting up a Wicca 101 class this spring, putting my energy where my mouth is.  But summer…

Coreopsis A Journal of Myth and Theatre is issuing a call for Papers on Shamanism, Trance, and Shamanic Performance. Look interesting?  Go on over and take a look.  Their submission guidelines are here. They also have an interesting list of forthcoming conferences and other paper calls of interest to many readers.

UPDATE – links added. As often happens here, the issue I wanted to discuss has been all but lost from sight by issues my readers would rather discuss.  My argument as to why from a PAGAN perspective one should boycott Whole Foods has disappeared in the outpouring of compassion for John Mackey.  (I will bide my…

John Mackey, the dishonest CEO  of Whole Foods, has caused quite a stir with his foolish editorial about why we do not need health care reform.  Many people, myself included, have decided to boycott the chain until Mackey is looking for another job.  We’ve had it with the idiocy, venality, heartlessness, and greed of so…

Happy Saturday!

I’ve been thinking about what lineages mean and don’t mean in Wicca.  In a world where the Sacred can be approached from almost any direction, what does being Faery or Gardnerian or Alexandrian or Reclaiming mean compared to being self-initiated?  

For most people the appeal of fascism is first and foremost to feel powerful, particularly to dominate those they blame for their sense of themselves being exploited.  But unlike many movements against oppression, fascist movements do not target those had exploited them, but those who have recently visibly improved their status.  This paradox is a…

This will be a two-part mini essay giving a Pagan perspective on Fascism. Part II in particular will present arguments not likely to be made by either secularists or Christians, although Pagans do not have a monopoly on the points I have in mind. Part I will also address the relationship of Paganism to Fascism,…

The post says it all.  We are watching American fascism as a powerful movement develop before our eyes. UPDATE Dave Neiwert at Orcinus has added further information, including videos in “‘Brown Shirts’? Town Hall teabaggers’ ranks are indeed riddled with right-wing extremists.”  In my opinion for years he has beenthe most consistently perceptive critic of…

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