A Pagan's Blog

Pagans are famous (infamous?) for taking seemingly mundane occurrences and finding something deep and meaningful in them. We can take just about any occasion and turn it into a sacred, festive celebration. Whether it’s an ancient seasonal festival, the feast day of a saint from someone else’s religion, or a Hallmark-inspired date we just happen…

Hello, this is T. Thorn Coyle, stepping in for Gus today.   One of the things I do in life is act as a spiritual director. Recently, one of my clients was talking about a struggle with the fact that things change. S/he wanted something to remain inviolate, permanent. When I responded that everything is…

Given the negativity that so easily can come to seem the defining feature of this society, it’s good to be reminded of why so many of us push back against the forces of dark ignorance.  Drew Dellinger’s poem is a wonderful statement of why, and a reminder to us all that good people of great…

This week some new bloggers will appear. Today I finished a manuscript I’ve been working on for 4 years.  It’s working title is “The 60s, the Culture Wars, and the Return of the Divine Feminine.”  I am fried. 

Here is another open thread where folks can explore what they want, unconstrained by my choices.  Based on the successes of last week’s, I will offer a new one every week.

There is only one variety of committed opponent to the legality of all or most abortion who holds a position I can respect as indicating personal sincerity, a sense of responsibility,  and moral integrity.   Only one.

Thomas Berry has died today.   He had been a central figure in helping Western Christians, those willing to look and learn anyway, re-establishing connectedness with the sacred immanence we Pagans find in nature. Other giants in ecological and spiritual thought have also died recently: Arne Naess, who developed the term ‘deep ecology’  and did so…

A few weeks ago I warned that the violent rhetoric of the culture warriors would lead to deaths, and that right wing terrorism was the chief terrorist threat to many Americans.  I am sad but hardly surprised  to report that my warning has come true.  In Wichita, Kansas, the city where I was raised.  Dr…

Senator Carl Levine has called Dick Cheney a liar for claiming classified documents demonstrate torture saved American lives.  The Senator, who is Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he has seen the documents Cheney is always referring to, and “those classified documents say nothing about the numbers of lives saved, nor do the…

This week is an anniversary.  A year ago I got up one morning, and felt a little light headed in a way that was unfamiliar.  For some reason I wondered at the time whether it might be a stroke, and so spoke out loud and touched my nose with a finger from each hand.  No…

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