A Pagan's Blog

Pantheacon is a giant Pagan gathering held this year Feb 13-16, over the Presidents’ Day weekend, at the Doubletree Hotel in San Jose, California, near the airport.  It is a wonderful event I would attend even if I were not presenting. But I am presenting. My workshop combines explanation with participants’ personal experience. Based on…

There has been a lot of discussion as to whether newspapers as they currently exist can survive the age of the internet.  I want to suggest that no, they won’t, and further, that this is a good thing.  A very good thing. Americans have gotten news by a variety of ways throughout our history.  During…

One of my favorite blogs, Balloon Juice, brought my attention to an article reporting research demonstrating that a perception of personal powerlessness leads to a greater tendency towards superstition, conspiracy theories, and false conclusions.  I think this has enormous implications for understanding America today. As institutions become ever greater and farther removed from any sensitivity…

I have recently seen many discussions by conservatives, real and feigned, attempting to analyze the collapse of the Republican Party at the polls and the apparent repudiation of ‘conservatism’, with no sign of any improvement in the next elections in two years.  This led me to think about what went so terribly wrong in conservative…

One reason I wanted this site was to serve as a place where much of my published work could be made easily available.  Some hacker removed it a while ago and left junk.  It has taken me a while to restore it because of a year from Hell – a death in the family, a…

               All wars suffer casualties on both sides.  Worse, there is always substantial collateral damage.  The wars against liberal civilization, both hot and cold, that punctuated the Twentieth Century were no exception.  Liberalism emerged triumphant, but hardly unbloodied.

George Bush has left a fearful wreckage behind him.  Most of those who will read this blog will think of our constitution, justice system, military, foreign policy, health policy, and environmental policy as examples, and you will not be wrong.  But I want to shed a tear for a far less sympathetic victim who in…

I think Kagro X at Daily Kos got it right in the fewest words: “It’s a great day for Democrats and Republicans alike. For Democrats, Barack Obama was elected President. For Republicans, there was finally dancing in the streets and Americans greeted as liberators.”

Jason Pitzi-Waters at the wonderful Wild Hunt Blog interviews me about issues raised in Beyond the Burning Times, a book of Pagan-Christian dialogue jointly written by m’self and Philip Johnson, an Australian Evangelical.  He will soon have an interview with Johnson up as well.  His blog has lots of other good stuff as well.

Who then would have guessed George Orwell’s predictions in his novel 1984 might simply have been premature?  One of the novel’s most memorable features was depicting the endless stream of lies the government used to manipulate the people and justify its endless wars.  These distortions were imposed therough a deliberate debasement of language, called Newspeak,…

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