“Do you want to look like an alligator handbag when you grow up?” If you have fair skin and a tendency to burn, chances are you were probably asked this question by your mom at some point in your sun-worshiping life. Truth is, most of us don’t think about what we will look like after…

Imagine walking through the front door of your home and discovering that a burglar has ransacked your living room. Naturally such a dramatic event would leave a person wracked with feelings of anxiety and fear. The impact of such an event may trigger off several physical symptoms of anxiety such as rapid heartbeat and sweaty…

The thought of being incapacitated for weeks on end suffering through the various effects of the flu is never an appealing prospect. But fortunately, before every flu season you can minimize your chances of becoming ill by getting the influenza vaccine, otherwise known as the “flu shot”. The earlier in the season you are vaccinated…

 Parents of children afflicted with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder understand full well how this condition impacts day to day life. While the condition was relatively unknown a decade ago ADHD is now being diagnosed in school aged children who demonstrate severe behavioral problems. Currently there are several treatment options available to children suffering from…

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