According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, human papillomavirus or HPV, is the most common of all sexually transmitted diseases. This particular virus has at least 40 related viruses that affect the genital area of both men and women. How Do I Know If I Have HPV? Chances are you will not. In…

So, you may not actually be traveling to Grandmas’ house via a horse-drawn sleigh as the song relates however most people will be flying the friendly skies during this holiday season. While flying is the fastest and easiest mode of transportation, it does often get mixed reviews: Some people love it, others, not so much.…

Sexually transmitted diseases happen to other people. This thought may have crossed your mind the last time you had an unprotected sexual encounter, but the fact is sexually transmitted diseases do not discriminate–they have no regard for your gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic standing. Herpes is the umbrella term that describes a group of viruses, one…

Your wife claims that your snoring is keeping her awake at night. This doesn’t come as any surprise to you; you’re a man and that’s what men do (Well, that and scratch). So you go to the store and buy a package of those breathing strips that you’re supposed to wear on the bridge of…

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