*This was one of the articles that lead to me winning the ‘Next Beliefnet Blogger’ contest; I am reposting it here for anyone who missed it: Question submitted via Formspring “What does Psalms 35 mean to you?” Psalms 35 is a rather lengthy passage, so I have pasted it down below. Like any passage from any…

“Concern should drive us into action and not into a depression. No man is free who cannot control himself.” -Pythagoras For reasons I discussed in the video below, there is a world of difference between someone who is a bit down in the dumps who says they are depressed, and someone with a real diagnosable…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I’ve met a great guy who is a Muslim. He won’t date me cause I am not Muslim. I know he likes me. I am 20 and I want to do the right thing, my friends say I should convert (majority are also Muslim). My family will not be happy if I…

“If you can’t communicate with your partner, then you don’t have a relationship” – B. Dave Walters OK, normally I would never quote myself, but this time it is justified! I have said again and again that if you can’t talk with your partner, especially in relationships, but even friends and coworkers, then you don’t…

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