Question submitted via Formspring (many, many times):
Why do Good Girls love Bad Boys?
This is one of those issues that has come up so many times that I covered it both on a recent episode of my radio show: Rise UP with B. Dave Walters as well as did a video dedicated to the topic.
In the video below, I share with you:
Why good girls like *bad boys*
Girls: how to stop falling for JERKS
Guys: how to stop being called “too nice”
And more!
So here today, I’d like to talk about another aspect of this question: how long you should wait for someone to change.
The answer is: not long at all!
If you are getting into a relationship based on the belief that someone will change, like “he’d be perfect if he lost 20 lbs.,” or, “he’d be great if he could just make more money,” then you are in for problems.
Even though some change is inevitable, at the beginning of a relationship you have to ask yourself one very important question:
If this person doesn’t change AT ALL, not one tiny bit…could you be happy in a relationship with them?
If the answer is ‘no’, then don’t bother getting involved in the first place. The reason why this is, it makes your love highly conditional. We talked recently about how to find true and unconditional love, but the conditional type is much more common: if you only love someone based on what they might become, and not based on what they are *right now*, then you don’t really love them at all.
Let’s keep this short today so you have plenty of time to watch that video and listen to the radio broadcast. In addition to saying more about why good girls like bad boys, we also talk all about LOVE; Men, women, dating, marriage, breaking the victim mentality, some AWESOME music and much, much more.
What do you think ? Feel free to comment down below!
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B. Dave Walters
Writer, Life Coach, and Talk Radio Host
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