“As below, so above; and as above so below.
With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.”
-Emerald Tablets of Hermes
The Secret was many people’s first introduction to the Law of Attraction, but the Law is actually only one part of Seven Universal Laws. We have talked before about the Seven Universal Laws both here, and in a recent episode of Rise UP with B. Dave Walters along with: Dealing with negative emotions and loss especially around the Holidays; The Law of Attraction and the 7 Universal Laws, and how to have true and lasting happiness and peace in your heart.
However, one aspect we have never talked about is the Law of Correspondence. The Law of Correspondence teaches that everything that exists outside of us, exists inside of us, too.
There is a sun inside of you, just like there is a sun outside of you; mountains, oceans, and everything else. From a mystical perspective, the outer Universe and the inner Universe areconnected. When you truly understand this, you can learn to influence your inner state in order to influence your outer reality.
The amazing thing, is even though this has been a basic teaching of metaphysics for thousands of years, modern science is starting to
confirm this to be true…or at least give more examples of how what is inside of us is reflected by what’s outside of us.
We will keep this one short, so you have a moment to look at the images attached to this article, and ponder what they mean. The fact that the structure of our brain reflects the structure of the Universe is no coincidence; the fact that a leaf, the Amazon, and our blood vessels look the same is no coincidence, either.
And as you look at the images, remember one thing:
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
Genesis 1:26
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B. Dave Walters
Writer, Life Coach, and Talk Radio Host
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Love One Another — A group for the coolest Spiritual people on the Internet!