
I have missed you since we last talked, but I’ve been with you the whole time.  I just wanted to tell you that I am SO very proud of you.  I see you every day, shining and brilliant.

You're never, ever alone.
You’re never, ever alone.

But, I also see something else that worries me, my dearest: You give too much power to what may go wrong and not enough to what is going right.

Look at all the things you have overcome…and how many that you feared that never happened at all.

And, look at how many peaceful moments you have missed fearing the future, when the perfection of the present moment is always available. You lack faith my love. Not in some far off God, but in life, and in yourself.  So much of your time, energy and emotion are wasted on phantoms. When you realize that, you’ll be unstoppable. Since…you already are. But I have infinite faith in you. I believe in you completely, your beauty, brilliance, courage, and strength. I never doubt you, even when you stumble and fall…and I hope I can help you find that in yourself.

Always remember my dearest, faith is a muscle. It’s simply giving credit where credit is due.  Life is good, and you are incredibly strong. You don’t have to fear anyone or anything. Even now, when you see all the stories of every bad thing from all over the world, remember something important: It’s ‘news’ because it’s *wrong*.  All the good, happy, positive things in the world don’t get reported, because that’s what we expect to happen.  It’s the horrors that get publicity, because they are so far removed from how we all subconsciously know how the world really is: Good.  Life is good, people are good, and most importantly, YOU are good.

My love, time is passing so quickly; the days are slipping away, never to return, so make the most of them.  There is a song in you that needs singing, stop holding it in.  You stay inside your shell to live up (or down) to other people’s expectations, but in the end it’s not what they expect of you that matters, but what YOU expect from you that matters.  You have to look into the mirror and hopefully love what you see there as much as I do.

So now, choose what you are committed to, and choose what mark you want to make on this world.  The noise, distractions, and chaos of life will always be there, but inside of you is the calm still point.  Breathe deep, and find me there.  What angers you, masters you, and what you fear, imprisons you.  Choose love, choose power, and keep moving forward.

One last thing: Everything that is valuable in this world, is valuable because it is rare.  20 Billion people have walked this Earth, but there has only ever been, or ever will be, one you.  Never hide, never retreat, never back down: Shine. Always shine.

You are great, and I love you!

And if you love me back, click ‘share’ up at the top!

B. Dave Walters

Writer, Life Coach, and Talk Radio Host

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Pages I support:
Jesus and Buddha — Interfaith dialog

Gnostic Theism — Religion and Spirituality for the 21st Century (Join the Movement!)

Love One Another — A group for the coolest Spiritual people on the Internet!



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