It's all a part of the plan....
It’s all a part of the plan….

This Friday, June 21 is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, both the official start of summer, and the longest day of the year.  However, in esoteric circles it is the absolutely most powerful time of the year to set new goals in motion.  For lack of a better word, the Light doesn’t get any stronger all year!

So, as I sit down to realign myself with my goals and intentions for the coming year, I’d like to share with you the exact same steps I take to create and manifest whatever I choose to.  Grab a piece of paper, or open up a blank document on your computer, since you’re going to need to take some notes for this one!

Step one: Decide what you don’t want.
If you are familiar with my previous work, then you know that almost any decision starts with this.  Since often times we may get confused by what we want, or at least don’t give ourselves permission to admit it…but we ALL know what we *don’t* want.

Step two: Dream a little.
Take a minute to let your mind wander, at least 5 years into the future, but 10 is better, and imagine your absolutely perfect life.  If everything is absolutely wonderful…what does that look like?  It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how you can do it, it doesn’t matter if it seems impossible…what does it look like? For now, just dream…and then write down what you see; don’t filter it at all.

Step three: Backtrack.
Now, here is the time when most people will get overwhelmed, flake out and quit…so make sure you stay focused and do this! Take that vision, that perfect vision, and start working backwards from it.  If that’s where you are in 10 years…where do you need to be in 5? 3? 1?  6 Months? One?

Step four: Make a plan, make it happen.
A dream with a deadline becomes a goal.  A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan, and a plan backed up by action makes your dreams come true.  All you have to do is work backwards to figure out where you need to be, and start doing it.  The key is to do something, ANYTHING every single day that will get you closer to your goal.  As long as you stay in motion, victory is guaranteed.

Step five: Remember the Law of GOYA.
Yes, you need to make use of the Law of Attraction and all 7 Universal Laws  in fact.  But that is co-creating with the Universe; CO-creating.  Remember the Law of Goya: Get Off Your @$$!  Want your dream life to show up? Get to work.  Want it to show up faster? Work harder.  It has taken your entire life for things to be like they are, and it will take some time for them to change to how you want them to be.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that your long term happiness and success lasts in anyone’s hands but yours.  Whatever it is you saw, IS possible for you to manifest in this world, and you *can* have a life that looks just like that, or at least very, very similar.  It may be that what you want to live in New York, but you’ll end up in London.  You may want to drive a Porsche, but will end up with a Ferrari.  Part of this whole process is trusting that God/The Universe knows what you need even better than you do.  Don’t fear the future, think of it like a surprise party that God/The Universe is planning for you; your job is to stay focused and keep moving forward.

The one word of warning I can give, however, is be careful about attaching your vision to a specific person, especially if it’s someone you aren’t currently romantically involved with.  It’s fine to visualize a life with a person, but be open to the Universe sending your someone else to fill that spot in your life.  Don’t make the mistake of building a future around someone who doesn’t even want to be a part of your present!

You are great, and I love you!

And if you love me back, click ‘share’ up at the top!

B. Dave Walters

Writer, Life Coach, and Talk Radio Host

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Pages I support:
Jesus and Buddha — Interfaith dialog

Gnostic Theism — Religion and Spirituality for the 21st Century (Join the Movement!)

Love One Another — A group for the coolest Spiritual people on the Internet!



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