You have to trust *yourself* before you can forgive others!

If you have been following this blog, then you have no doubt heard that you have to forgive the people in your life who have hurt you.
No matter who it was, no matter what they’ve done: forgive them.

The reason why this is, is as Buddha says: “holding on to anger with the intent of hurting someone else, is like picking up a hot coal with the intention of throwing it: you are the one who gets burned.

Above all else, realize that forgiving someone doesn’t mean you are saying what they did is OK (it’s not); forgiveness means you are giving up the negativity and anger you still harbor inside.
It’s not a gift that you give them, it’s a gift you give YOU.

Recently many people have asked HOW to forgive, which we have talked about before; but there is enough to say about forgiveness that it could fill up hours of time!
So here in Episode 52 of All About You, we discuss both how to forgive, and how to trust (which actually is a by product of forgiveness, or at least the ability to forgive):

Part 1, on forgiveness

Part 2, on trust (the last 10 seconds of the episode were cut off by accident, but my point was already made!)

Please enjoy these videos, and resolve today to stop giving away your power to other people. Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your permission; learn and apply these tools to forgive and trust YOURSELF first, and then those in your life. Once you gain the ability trust and forgive unconditionally, you’ll be able to love unconditionally; once you can do that, you can do anything.

What do you think? Feel free to comment down below!

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B. Dave Walters

Writer, Life Coach, and Talk Radio Host

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