A Reason to Smile

Questions submitted via Formspring.me: Sup Dave! I’ve been suffering with no job for 1 year. Striving for my dream job and/or any other job just doesn’t work. Even tho i try out different ways to get money(on the internet) doesn’t work as well. What now? and Hello Dave! My Parents are using the LOA since the…

Question submitted via Formspring.me: “How do I attract the right job. The one that truly makes me happy?” An excellent question! Too many people go through life doing something they don’t enjoy, with some vague plan to be happy at some point in the future. The problem is, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to any of us; and…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Hi Dave How is your day going? I hope really well, well I know! it is going well because you find the best in everything that happens 🙂 I wanted to ask a question, I hope it doesn’t take too much of your time and if you could give me an answer…

Question submitted via Formspring.me: “Is it OK to have sex with someone you don’t love?” A great question! The answer, is kind of complicated though; since what do you mean by “OK”? People have different moral and religious views on sex, so let us look at it directly: Is it fine for two consenting adults to…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I’m kinda lost I’m 30 years old and honesty I don’t know how to deal or what to do with my life I don’t know what makes me happy or whats is my passion I don’t have a career or finished school, I’m depressed most the time how can I join life…

Unedited question submitted via Formspring: “I’m in love with a guy. he broke up with me 1/2 year ago. hes(still) sometimes so sweet and says he loves me but sometimes he don’t seem to want me. I’m not sure if we should try it again cause I don’t wanna get hurt again. How do I know…

(Unedited) question submitted via Formspring.me: “My boyfriend found out that I Was drinking behind his back. We are not together now and I am 12 days clean He says I betrayed his trust and he can’t trust me again I also forgot to tell him that I had herpes. I told him after the effect.…

Question submitted via Formspring: “How come it seems that everyone (regardless of faith) loves the Dalai Lama and yet has severe resentment to the Pope?” This was one of the questions we discussed in depth in a recent episode of Rise UP with B. Dave Walters, along with: NEW BEGINNINGS! Setting goals, being too picky, dealing…

(Unedited) questions submitted via Formspring: “Female married for 17 years, 47, 16 year old son. Husband drinks heavily and also addicted to prescription meds. I am not happy. Scared of what he might do if I try to leave.” And, “I have been in a relationship with a guy for 14yrs and he is a…

(Unedited) Question submitted via Formspring: “Female married 20 yrs-no kids, 55. Marriage went bad 10 yrs ago when finances went bad. Stayed bc couldn’t afford not to, tried to work it out. No love. Met someone, but he will not physically meet unless divorced. Scared to leave, but want to be happy” So, let’s break…

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