A Reason to Smile

This was one of my my controversial (and popular) articles to date.   In honor of the Beliefnet post on “Who said it: Jesus or Paul” (and the challenge of Christianity vs Paulianity) I am reposting it here: Question submitted via Formspring.me: “I feel guilty for not being a virgin and sometimes having gay feelings (because…

If you have been following this blog, then you have no doubt heard that you have to forgive the people in your life who have hurt you. No matter who it was, no matter what they’ve done: forgive them. The reason why this is, is as Buddha says: “holding on to anger with the intent…

“All complex things decay…work out your own salvation with diligence” -Buddha’s dying words The reason why I became a Spiritual Coach, and do the work that I do, is because I am working hard to bring God back to the forefront of people’s minds and lives. And even as you read that, you probably reacted in…

I must admit, when  my little girl was born 1 year ago today (at 10:10 am no less), I was a little excited about the fact that she’d be one on 11/11/11. So, what’s the big deal about 11/11/11? Wikipedia states: “Numerologists believe that events linked to the time 11:11 appear more often than can be…

      Happy Veterans Day to the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Thank you for the tremendous sacrifices you have made to defend us and our freedoms that we all too often take for granted. It is my sincere hope that this day finds you in safety and comfort surrounded by…

People often ask me what I personally believe; what follows is the sum total of my life experience, as well as spiritual and philosophical thought…so far at least. The points below came to me suddenly, or were ‘received’ over a period of a few days. I have not changed them, other to correct some grammar…

*Note, I didn’t write this; but it’s been floating around the internet for a few years now, and every time I read it, it makes me smile (especially since my wife is Canadian!). It highlights the real difficulty of *situational* use of the Bible as an authority, which doesn’t work for reasons we’ll discuss a…

(Unedited) Question submitted via Formspring “How to deal with someone who beats his parents on a regular basis? His parents tried everything to fix his aggressive character but he doesn’t want to come out of the shell of his own. I somehow feel agitated when I am about to meet him, what to do?” So,…

*This was one of the articles that lead to me winning the ‘Next Beliefnet Blogger’ contest; I am reposting it here for anyone who missed it: Question submitted via Formspring “What does Psalms 35 mean to you?” Psalms 35 is a rather lengthy passage, so I have pasted it down below. Like any passage from any…

“Concern should drive us into action and not into a depression. No man is free who cannot control himself.” -Pythagoras For reasons I discussed in the video below, there is a world of difference between someone who is a bit down in the dumps who says they are depressed, and someone with a real diagnosable…

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