Rep. Jack Murtha is an unlikely hero for the anti-war movement. Of all the Democrats calling for an end to the Iraq war, Rep. John P. Murtha is an anomaly. Unlike Sens. John F. Kerry (Mass.) and Russell Feingold (Wis.), he doesn’t want to be president. He’s no liberal, like his House colleagues Dennis J.…

I still have trouble with the concept of celebrating a holiday that honors what is basically the beginning of the annhilation of native americans, but still I am thankful for the many gifts that life has to offer, and even more for the ability to be grateful for what I have instead of envious of…

Jupiter in Scorpio makes an exact trine to Uranus today, opening up possibilities and opportunities (Jupiter) for breaking up routines and creating a new way of handling situations (Uranus) that may have become stuck as the result of a standoff between Mars (aggression, personal drive) and Saturn (caution, delays). The square between Mars and Saturn…

John McCain works hard to maintain his image as a consensus builder. With Libra rising, and Mercury in Libra, the sign of balance and relationships, he struggles between his need to please others (Libra) and his Virgo sun which strives for authenticity and perfection. Virgos dislike the flattery and superficiality required to negotiate and capitulate;…

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