As a species, we are currently crossing from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Although many people consider the Age of Pisces to begin at year 0 with the birth of Jesus with Aquarian Age beginning at 2000, most astronomers agree that the Age of Pisces actually begin in year 498 C.E.,…

Mundane astrology is the study of world events (mundus in ancient Greek means world) by examining the horoscopes of nations and events as if those entities were living and breathing beings, with personalities and characteristics just like humans. I confess that this branch of astrology has never held much meaning for me — my field…

Artwork by T NewfieldsNeptune turns retrograde this morning, bringing the number of retrograde planets to four (Jupiter, Pluto, Chiron and Neptune). When planets are in “retrograde” motion, they appear to be moving backwards from our position here on Earth, and they tend to cause us to look backwards over issues that are governed by that…

art from Phyllis Mahon(Honoring the Sun’s entry into Gemini late Saturday night.) Gemini is the sign of the twins, and ruled by Mercury which entered Gemini yesterday. This gives us a strong Mercurial focus for the next month or so, dealing with issues of communication and information. Those born under the sign of Gemini or…

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